2015 tl;dr

31st December 2015

Led the team getting GOV.UK ready for the 2015 general election. Got a new job working for Deliveroo. Spoke at Pivotal Lunch & Learns, Devoxx, State of the Browser and Epic Front End London. Attended TXJS, and was surprised to appear on stage, twice. Competed in 8 cycling hill climbs, up a variety of excruciating hills.

2015 was also by far the most stressful, challenging and emotionally torturous year of my life so far, both personally and professionally. It pushed me to breaking point and then kept pushing. It forced me to grow more than I could have predicted, and hopefully left me a better person at the end. At points I felt like I was just trying to survive this year, trying to get to the end still alive.

I’m so very grateful for my friends who’ve been there for me this year, who provided me the support and advice I often required. My year’s set to end better than I imagined possible just a few months ago. I’m happy to be looking forward to 2016, who knows where it’s going to take me!